Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

I have them there-

sometimes we feel we are nothing. sometimes we feel we are nothing compared to others. but we never realized that God had created each of us with excess. may not realize it but we are not yet aware of it. someday we can surely realize what God has given to us. including me. maybe yesterday I could not realize what is in me which is different from others. complain, envy, that's all I could do if I see or feel there is someone more than me. but now I can realize it. I have great parents. two midgets that sucks but because there they could I get angry every day   : D my friends are always there whenever I needed them. and I have someone who is always there beside me, I'm proud to have them all. but I'm much more proud of the God who has given them in my life right now : ")
thx GOD | my dad | #DIO #DEEGA | all of my friends | especially my DHC :*

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